
Flexible Frequency of Care Options

Trusted care, when you need it.

All Heathy Living Home Care at-home care and assistance plans can be customized to meet your schedule. We also understand that life can change at a moment’s notice. That’s why we take the Care Management approach. You can work with your Care Manager to adjust your Frequency of Care plan at any time, giving you the peace of mind to know you are receiving exactly the support that you need when you need it.

Hourly Care

Flexible and reliable in-home aide.

Sometimes, you just need an extra set of hands to help with certain daily activities or during a particular timeframe. Or sometimes, family members caring for a loved one just need to take some occasional personal time away from the home. For these types of scenarios, our hourly care plan can be the most beneficial and affordable option.

Why Hourly Care may be your best option.

Hourly Care can often be the perfect solution for seniors who live alone who need a little help keeping up with a few things around the home. Or perhaps the client lives with a family that houses multiple generations, in which case the early morning and afternoon hours can often get a little overwhelming. In other cases, families simply need a little extra assistance a couple of days a week. Our knowledgeable Care Managers can help you assess your needs and create an hourly plan to make sure you have help when you need it but aren’t overextending your budget by scheduling caregivers during times when they aren’t really needed. Keep in mind that hourly minimums may be required, depending upon your specific care needs.

Live-in Care

Home health assistance to improve daily life.

With our Live-In Care plan, one of our highly-trained caregivers lives in the clients’ home for consecutive 24-hour shifts, providing round-the-clock companionship and at-home care for clients who need more assistance during the day and a constant watchful eye at night. Our Live-In Care program is an alternative to living in an assisted living or nursing home facility. It provides all the same benefits, while allowing the client to live in the comfort of their own home.

Why live-in care may be the option for you.

Live-in care is the perfect solution for seniors and other homebound clients who need personal assistance or home health aide during the day, but typically sleep through the night. Live-in care is also a great solution for seniors who live alone and would benefit from companionship and homemaker services, as well as personal care. A live-in caregiver offers the peace-of-mind to know that someone is there, in case of an emergency.

Because live-in caregivers often stay in the home for several consecutive days, we require that live-in caregivers are provided with a private space for sleeping and downtime, have access to facilities for bathing and personal hygiene, and have meals provided or covered for them.

24-Hour Care

Compassionate around-the-clock in-home care.

Healthy Living Home Care’s 24-Hour Care program provides changing shifts of attentive in-home assistance around the clock to ensure your loved one feels at home in their own home any time of day or night. With 24-Hour Care, our Healthy Living Home Care caregivers truly become an extension of your family. They provide the same care and companionship a family member offers and are always on call. This level of attention can allow your loved one the independence to continue living at home, while giving you the peace of mind of knowing they are safe and well cared for at all times.

The benefits of 24-hour care.

Many clients require assistance throughout the day with daily living tasks, with only some assistance at night. Or perhaps the client has dementia with a tendency to get nights and days mixed up. Other clients have issues with mid-night incontinence. A round-the-clock caregiver would ensure your loved one has in-home aide any time they need it. This is also a great solution for clients who have specialized care needs or seniors who live alone.

Often, a 24-hour caregiver may only be needed temporarily. For example, if a senior will be alone for a few days because loved ones are out of town, a 24-hour caregiver would help them stay safe and independent during that time of living alone. As always, Healthy Living Home Care offers flexible in-home care options.

Care for Couples

The cost-effective solution for couples in need.

When both members of a couple are either aging or incapacitated, caring for one another can become increasingly difficult. This type of scenario is often both a physical and emotional strain on the household. That’s why HomeWell offers Care for Couples for an affordable price, which allows couples to continue to enjoy the companionship of one another without the stress of overcoming their physical limitations to accomplish daily tasks.

In-home Care for Couples services can include:

  • Medicine reminders
  • Dressing assistance
  • Pickup up groceries and prescriptions
  • Reading and letter writing
  • Light housekeeping and laundry
  • Meal preparation and cleanup
  • And more, depending upon your Level of Care needs.

Affordable in-home Care for Couples can enhance a couple’s health and quality of life. With highly discounted rates for two people, our home health assistance programs allow couples to continue to enjoy life together, regardless of their unique needs.

Transitional Care

Easing the transition back to home life.

Recovering from a trauma can be difficult for anyone. However, it can be especially difficult for an aging senior to transition back to independent life after enduring some type of trauma that required extensive or prolonged out-of-home medical care. They can become reliant on the heightened level of attention, assistance and support found in a hospital or facility setting. Studies have shown that many seniors require rehospitalization shortly after being discharged because they didn’t receive the proper care when they got home. Healthy Living Home Care’s Transitional Care serves as the perfect bridge between the hospital and independent life at home.

Our Transitional Care services can include:

  • Bathing assistance
  • Help with ambulation
  • Medicine reminders
  • Light housekeeping
  • Picking up prescriptions
  • Daily grooming
  • Grocery shopping and meal preparation
  • And more, depending upon your Level of Care needs.

Our compassionate Healthy Living Home Care caregivers know how frustrating it can be for a client to return home without the mobility they once had. The good news is that no one has to go through this transition alone. Healthy Living Home Care is here to partner with you to ensure your loved one’s full recovery.

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